Saturday, January 21, 2006

Just an Update

Millions of apologies to the adoring populus for not


rather busy with schoolwork, CCA, sleep and so much


Even though I was up to my neck with stuffies and such,

I still found enough time to,no, not do extra TYS qns, but

reminisce on the 17 wonderful years that had gone by.

And I shall have this to say.

I shouldnt have been too smart in primary school man.

I felt like a genius back then, ace-ing my spelling tests

and getting 100 marks for my Mother Tongue. And I

pride myself for never using any cuss words back then.

How time flies and changes everything about an

individual. It seems I'm suffering from a severe

neurosis, Brain Drain.

Gone were the days of bursaries and prize award

ceremonies of primary school. PSLE seemed to be my

downfall as I managed only a meagre 236 pts and

couldnt enter Bt Panjang Govt. And 2nd home was

another Bukit in the west . . . Bukit Batok. And since

then, I never looked back .. neither did my grades.

They kept plummeting as education standards became

higher. The higher I went, the further the grades will fall.

And through some conspiracy theory and much needed

divine intervention, I muscled my way into Innova Jc.

It's like being caught between a rock and a hard place.

Throughout the schooling year, I felt I was swimming

against the currents with blood-smelling hammerhead

sharks hot on my trail. Only now and then did I see

sparks of intelligence but it remained at that as I see

my grades spectacularly combust in my frikkin face.

Now already in j2 with 9 more months left before the

As imma thinkin to myself, what's in store for me?

Doom or gloom?

Fame or shame?

Will i stay a driftwood or will i be timber? Whatever that


One way to ensure success is to take things into my own

ten digits and mould my future right there and now.

They say what matters is the process not the end. That's

a load of poppycock. In Singapore, the end matters MORE

than the process.

And i'm gonna get there by hook or by crook.

There? You decide. I decide. Fair? Sweeeet.

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