Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Raya!

After one month of toil and hardship as we embattle our
croaking stomachs and hoarse pharynx plus casting
aside our earthly desires, we have come to its summit.
Muslims worldwide deserve a pat on the back.
Rejoice my fellow Muslims, a month of restraint and
control have passed and boy have we excelled. Now
for one day of celebration with the loved ones and the
ones always close to heart.

This season's Raya celebrations have been marred some
what by the anti-climatic A levels. Haha, let us not dwell on
this dour subject in this day of merriment.
On a brighter note, this year's Raya coincides with my
eighteenth birthday.
Double bonanza I guess.
The pride of stepping into adulthood or near-adulthood
with the company of your family and relatives
and having a superfluous amount of goodies to gorge.
Not that I'm fat to start with. =)
Plus, the flurry of the green packets.
Now can you tell me how many souls have had that luxury?

Oh my am I truly blessed to be able to grace this occasion, with
fervour and enthusiasm, along with members of my clan.
And, a satiated stomach and a bulging pocket or pockets to boot.
To one and all, Selamat Hari Raya!
Minal Aidil Wal Faizil!

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