Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's the Weekend !

Everything has been elusive to me.
Acceptance of the Higher Management.
Playing for a club.
Burberry Weekend.

Yes, that citrusy, tangy eau de toilette that made my world go round.
Yes, that same c, t e d t that I bought for an exclusive retail price of 5 Brunei dollars which translates to 5 singapore dollars.
And now, I've got you my friend.
Presenting the original, authentic but more exorbitant BURBERRY WEEKEND

OH and did I tell you I'm turning 21 Oct24 this year?
I was filling up some survey form when the Cashier took a peek.

Cashier Sheh Ling: So, you're turning 21 this year (looks at my birthdate)
Me: Er,yeah ?
C S L: Oh, you don't look your age !
Me: Err haha, so is that a compliment or wot ?
C S L: Er, haha, you're mature looking lahr.

For the umpteenth time, someone tries to dispell the undeniable truth that I am twenty. From my recruits, to my Encik, to people in clubs which reminds me ...

Aidil (new acquaintance from dbl o): Eh, malam ni Movida power tk ? Aku tak pernah pergi ah thursday night
Me: (looking at him) Aku tak tahu siol.
Aidil: Ko tak pernah masok per?
Me: Aku belom cukup umor la sial!
Aidil: Huh, ko umor brape ?
Me: doplo siol
Aidil: (gasp)(laughs)

Yeb yeb, I look old. thanks. And for translations, do leave me a comment.
I will settle each one of my fan requests personally and patiently.

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