Wednesday, March 04, 2009


That ladies and gentlemen, is a freaking cockroach.
That is what we see in Singapore.
And that is my best friend's best friend.

I just had an up-close-and-personal experience with the six legged creature that is both a pest and a delicacy depending on which side of the world you're living.
When alive it looks gross.
Whe dead ie stepped on ie squished ie drowned ie scalded with really hot water it still looks freaking gross.

And so this creature thought I feared it's mere existence and somehow or rather crawled its greasy way onto my grey bermudas whilst I was flippin out my tee shirt.
I noticed a brown substance on my right thigh from the mirror and to my bemusement the slimy lil thing.
Brushing it off, it had the audacity to pollute my ceramic tiles!
I took out my faulty lighter and threatened to squish it and dirty my gleaming ceramic tiles.
Plan B.
Plastic bag in hand, I chased down the whimpering lil S.O.B caught it and squeezed hard. Freaky things emerged from the vice-like grip as I proceeded to parade my cathc to my bro.
He observed with bated breath.
HAHA apparently his best friend too.
If my dad were there, he'll step on it use his bare hands to scoop it up and show it off to mom.
Not his best friend.

Freaking shit of a creature.
Stupid name.
Wrong country.
Wrong bermudas to be messing with.
God have mercy on its slimy soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. Apa best friend best friend ? Not scared of it can ?