Friday, March 13, 2009

Grin Lite

It has been five days of the week.
And I'm still plagued with migraine.
My neck's hurting, my back is aching and I've yet to turn 21 !

On another note, I just realised why my mom have discontinued her morning walks for the week.
No, it's not sickness.
It's not the weather.
It's not me.
It's Sadness, rather.

Originating from a friend of hers who somehow likes to compare her son to me even though im naturally smarter, more handsome and certainly more desirable in bed than her pimply, geeky son who looks like a bespectacled Walter Kovacs from Watchmen.
Apparently her son got into NUS and she kept asking me mom what school am I attending this coming Jul/Aug.
When my mom said most prolly SIM, she went into a barrage of questions saying in malay of course
" Is it even accredited ?"
" Isn't it more expensive ?"
" My son said Even O Level students can enroll into SIM"

in a condescending, disapproving and mocking tone that saddened me mom.
Well listen, you dont make me momma sad no no.
Dinie says this if you wanna make me momma sad again im bring my ass down there to your nonsense morning walk take your smelly tudung off, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick em straight up your wrinkly ol candy ass!
It dont matter if your 15 or 50 immba open a can of whoop ass.
Imma swear if my mom complains again ill do just that.
Im just waiting for the go-ahead.
Im just waiting for the green light.
But till then, I guess this'll do.


Anonymous said...

alahai. ksian maknyer. tkpela boi, rilek je. mungkin org tu tkde niat buruk apape. tp kalau mmg pon, diamkan aje la. what you gotta do is make your momma proud. that'll shut her trap seh seriously. :)

Anonymous said...

more desirable in bed?ahahaha.confident uh you..