Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ok Kids

Ya'll can heave a sigh of relief now, I'm back.
Well, not exactly bett'r than ever, Im just back.
So whilst I was away, I had my ankle sprained and recovered,
feuds started and unsettled ( the perpetrator was a teacher,
a Math teacher in fact screw him), heart broken, head-banged-
on-wall-due-to-fantabulacious-results AND AND AND nearly
got conned.

Oh well, my life is mundane HAHA serinaw =)

Private jokes aside, I feel it'll be for my betterment and your
voyeuristic satiation that I share with you my academic state
of affairs. Tell you the truth, it's as good as my grades in J1.
So I've maintained status quo, and you sure as hell aint gonna
see me shout this out around town.
My Sciences are in disarray.
My Math thankfully is on the up-and-up.
My Gp, well what can i say?

But overall, fucky sucky holmes!

And now Imma trying my best to salvage the situation,
damage control of the academic kind. But once i get down
to those notes, a flurry of images overload my senses as
images from the past conjure up unwittingly in the middle
of my study session. I smile to myself the pleasant things
I've done, heard, seen and was a part of.
And cringe, when I think about what could have been,
academic wise.

Two years have ghost by; but I sure have met many
kindred spirits. To these individuals, thank you.
And to that Math teacher, YOU CAN SUCK MY
BALLS holmes.

Off to work, children, turrah.

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