Sunday, December 31, 2006

See YOU Next Year

Oh finally, an update =]

The month of december was relatively wasted, and no
I did not get wasted(not even close) and here I am with
more hope than regret and more vigour than disappointment.

See today my friends is the last day of what has been a
terrible academic year.
Terrible with a capital 'T' my friends.
Not many things went my way and what I thought
were great things in the makings were just flashes
in the god forsaken pan.
But friends, let me give credit where it is achingly due;
the memories of winning a trophy with the soccer team
albeit it being a warm-up tourney of little importance
much like the InterToto Cup, which by the way was won
by Newcastle, though you dont see them flaunting
their silverware in open-roofed buses decked out in
their conventional black and white hahaha.
So, I digressed.
Pardon me.
Also, credit has to be given to the plethora of
friends that I've met and old friends whose
friendships have been rekindled.
And cyber friends converted into REAL friends.
And friends' friends becoming my own friends.
And enemies that turn out to be a gem of a friend.
And friends who turn out to be wolves in sheeps'

I'd like to thank God for everything that has been
bestowed on me, though some may not be what I'd
desire but as they say what doesnt kill you just make
you stronger, or a berth in the ICU but God Has been
far too kind.

Let us wish for a better year ahead in 2007.
Self-development is high on my to-do list and
maybe I will create a Life List and e-mail it to
Ellen DeGeneres.
I might be the first singaporean to be in her show!
A sea of skills to pick up,
a superfluous amount of bad habits to eradicate,
A million strangers to befriend,
And a million enemies to deny.

God, let 2007 be the year of the Dinie.
Amin ya rabbal alamin.

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