Monday, December 18, 2006

Fassion Pashion

It is heart wrenching and extremely frustrating that many
if not ALL of my friends dont share the same passion
and enthusiasm I have for soccer.
Hence, organising kickabouts or absolutely anything else
is a fucken chore with some even refusing to reply my
pathetic call for manpower.
Such ease, such ignorance, what the hell is your mobile
for, doofus?
And some just don't bother to turn up feigning too much
sleep and accompanying their calls with yawns and draggy
shaggy voices.
You don't fool me one bit mister, if you're plain lazy just say
No and I cancel the whole fucken she-bang.
And please be polite while you're at it cuz I might just text
FUCK back.

Sheesh, people have gone backward with the technological
juggernaut steam rollering forward and forward leaving
naysayers and doofuses who refused to reply to text
messages floundering in its wake.

Am I angry? Well I oughta be.
I waited the whole night for replies and all
I got was a rude, pathetic No, offering no
apologies nor reasons for their absence.
I know, I'm no school principal nor
their superior to be demanding anything much
from these "friends" but I feel it's only
basic courtesy.

Screw your 3G phones or 2megapixel cam cuz
the main, fundamental function of a phone is
to communicate.
And that includes replying text messages from
your livid soccer enthusiast friend.

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