Saturday, December 09, 2006

Tight Jeans

Don't cha just loath netizens pouring out their emotions,
detailing every inch of their personal life like an itenary
for us reluctant tourist to the Life of So and So.
From the moment they awake, to the moment they
hit the sack no moment is spared exposure.

Or dya just loath smart asses tryina make fun of
bloggers who detail evry move they make, and
every breath they take?

Now that prom is a foregone conclusion, I can play
all I want, slack all I need and eat all I can.
And there'll be loads of time for me to whip up
some wild ideas and self-thought and post em
on my picture-hungry blog.

Replies to tags:
kiat: sorry to disappoint girl =(
kid a: You nazi you, just who in the blue hell is
le whizz kid and le drag?
berr: You've arrived finally, haha. M is u la, honest!
DeeL: A chinaman dressed as a cat is a sign of times.
adiboo: Boo Ya!

Oh, yeah me and my mates are thinkin of havin a
chicnic at Sentosa, this Monday, the day after Sunday
and before Tuesday. Yes.
Any takers?

Till then, Prison Break ROX/ROCKS/RAWKS!!!

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