Friday, August 08, 2008

Viva Revolucion

Like every good movie, there's bound to be a sequel.
And after every fall, there has to be some picking-up-and-dusting-off to do.

Well, this is mine.

Things have come to a head and I guess in my state and condition right now, the best thing is to pen down my thoughts and publish in a blog for the online community.

Just underwent facial op for my tumour on my right maxillafactory on Tues morning.
Basically now I'm Two-face part-handsome, part Magilla-Gorilla.
Plus i've been given a ten-days medical leave but the downside no solid food just yet Bamm Bamm I gotta slurp porridge, sip milo for every meal till the swelling subsides and I can see the effects of the operation.
It's a painful process and I cannot work out nor can I play competitively play soccer and it is affecting my fat levels and also my muscularity. Sheesh.

Ten days or nonetity and plenty of time to think.
Ponder about what had gone in 2008 and what could have been.
I have 5 more months of 2008 left for a revolucion.
Let's see what I can do.

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