Sunday, March 30, 2008

In the Dumps

I feel so down in the dumps right now.
Nothing is working out for me.

Back at work, it's becomng hell as colleagues give me the cold shoulder; superiors poking my proverbial backside and I'm walking gingerly on the tightrope of demotion.
9months of suffering and a missed duty beckons to render all that useless.

2 months of hesistance and i failed my fuckin 1.03 ... twice muhfuhs ! Bloody hell, at this rate i'm gonna spent a princely sum to get a freaking twoB.
I'm at my freakin wits end.
The heartache is killing me.

And worse, Ive extra DO duty later at night.
Check this and that.
DB Visit.
Guard turnout.
Morning Run supervision.
Staff Parade.

I'm gonna let it all out during soccer later on. Fuck them haters.

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