Tuesday, January 27, 2009

.. And, They're Off

As often you hear in races, be it a steeplechase, a race car event or a 100m sprint, the commentator never fails to echo my title. And as for my life, that same commentator be it Mark Richmond or some Caucasian dood with a bloody deep voice can call upon their trusty ol' script and say " And they're off !"

A very enriching Sunday has brought about this rare turn of events. I came with a narrow mind, unwilling to comply and budging to change. Oh how powerful a day can be.
Interacted with really, really smart people who've achieved lots relative to age and still eating that same ol' humble pie that has been evading Matreps since the test of time. These really smart people offered insights into their life that has really inspired much change and forced a paradigm shift in yours truly.
Yearning to be a better individual, one really has to think through his past mistakes; his youth; his wastefulness; his brashness; and his folly. Analyse them, and generate learning outcomes.
I cannot be left alone, for I will think hard and I will think deep.
And most often than not, these thoughts will be plagued by negativity.
But by chillin out with dem smart arsed people, I've ushered in an air of positivity.
To think beyond the horizon and to think I can do it.
Slowly picking off my inferiority complex and lack of confidence, I believe I can move on to greater things.
However, never be too ambitious.
Baby steps gent'man, baby steps.
Hence, first worldly priority.
My Class 2B.

The baby steps to the elusive 2B.
What I need in this quest as for any other quest are the triple Ds.
And to a 2b licence by the end of Feb, amin ya rabbal alamin.


Anonymous said...

oooo~ all the best k dinie x) hahah

Mimie said...

diniediniedinieee go go gooo. nanti baru hot kalau dah ader license kann. nyehhh (:

Aisyah Gala said...

ASSALAMMULAIKUM! eh i left a comment in ur old blog la sia! OMG u have a blog too!!! nyaha. take care, MAT. :)