Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I weathered the comfort of my bed.
I took on the cold shower with my heart on my sleeve( and my hairs on end)
And I valiantly ate popiah at break neck speed.
Downing my obligatory morning teh tarik, got my adidas windbreaker and I was off.

six fidy am my hp showed.
then a bus came.
it did not halt.
then another.
anddd, another.
anddd, another.
rinse and repeat.
sardine cans well disguised as buses passed by in a 30 minute frenzy.
i wasn't late.
if i was staying at west coast.
but fact of the matter is, i reside in the mean streets.
and im goddamn muhfuckin late !
so, the officer in me grabbed my htc.
dribbled its fingers on the touch screen.
and sent a message to my team leader the one the only - Adam.

Hi Dinie here dont think ill make it to work on time all buses were full.
Still waiting.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused

I was expecting a telling-off. A stern warning.
An expletive laden tirade.
But no, wot I got was prolly the most unintended humourous text evahhh.

I understand the conviences it ok u will be late 4 few minutes rporting 2 work but try ur best to get there not too late

understand my conviences ? wott ?!?
It certainly woke me up from me slumber.
And stretch a couple of my facial muscles.
Not only is it fragile, his Ingerlish is down right brokennn.
im soo gonna have an entertaining post-ord activity XD


Mimie said...

haha so funneeyyy~dier phm ke tak tuuu xDD LOL!

Anonymous said...

hello u also nvr update lor