Sunday, February 12, 2006


Should I, or shouldn't I?

A query that reverberates in the heads of singles everytime the

Big VDay draws nearer, and oh-so nearer. We do not have the

luxury of dealing with our insecurities with someone of the opp

osite sex close by, lending their ears, shoulders, brains etc.

On the other hand, we (singles) are the independents.

Once in a while, people claim to like us.

As it always turns out, like = infatuation

We kinda like somebody. But we aint shore how much like is

in that like. And how much like that somebody likes us if she

even likes us at all. Confused? Exactly.

Point is, highly self-conscious people like yours truly have a

dilemma when buying gifts for others. Is it good enough? Does

it cost enough t be considered a sincere gift?

It's the thought that counts imbeciles incessantly recite.

If so, let's all keep on thinking and wishing and make the

world a much better place. Right.

So I'm in my room, typing fervently and plagued with a dilemma.

To buy, or not to buy.

I might delight her if I buy OR she simply chucks the well-meant

gift aside as she tends to her more costly loot.

She might be eternally disappointed if I've no prezzies at hand and

will send me threathening SMS-es or curse "Faggot" everytime I

walk by. Or worse, the coldest of cold shoulders.

So peeps, should I or shouldnt I?

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