Monday, February 13, 2006

Down Wit the Sickness

A week long struggle ended in defeat as I perished to the ever-

maligned fever. A mixture of sore throat, sprinting nose and the

occasional bad cough compounded my misery with a most un-

wanted concoction.

Truth be told, with the watery eyes and change in voice, I kinda

sound like Morgan Freeman. Don't know if that's good or not.

But I still look good, that I can assure you, my groupies.

Think Tom Cruise meets Tom Welling. bluek

The Upsides:

Missed my GP Essay Test ( Globalise that!)
Missed Phys Ed (Tho' I dont need that)
Spend time at home to catch up

The Downsides:

Chicks gonna miss me.
I'm gonna miss those chicks.
Not forgetting friends.
2nd degree or third degree.
Miss Phys Ed.
Lower chances of infecting others.

Oh crap, the downside seems to outweigh the upside but I still feel

that this is an oh-so great strategy to feign illness and have ample

rest and revision at home.

I'll have more time to paint my nails, primp and scrimp in front

of the mirror, have unecessary bubble baths, sip on my fave

hot mocha, read my previous ten issues of Her World and end

the day with moisturiser on face and cucumber-on-eyes.

Or perhaps not.

To the chicks, never fear, Skinny's here! Just one more day

and you''ll get back to feasting ur cornea. And what a suitable

comeback to make, on Valentine's Day!

That said, I shall cease typing. Prepare a glass of water.

Flush down the trillon pills that the Polyclinic have

generously provided.

Lucy in The Skyy With Diamonds ...

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