Thursday, February 16, 2006


With solitude for company, I made my way home without much

fuss nor banter. Nothing out of the ordinary occured but I was

clandestinely disappointed that there was no chics on my walk

to the MRT stasiun.

The usual happened as commuters scamper into the carriages,

scrambling for seats in the air-conditioned tube. I couldnt

be bothered to join them in the "frenzy". I stood by the side

of the train observing all those other commuters.

There was this old Malay couple, evidently Un-pious fooling

with each other as though they were still in their teens.

Made me sick to my gut.

And there was this other group.

A boisterous bunch of middle-aged Chinese men.

From their bald-but-not-so-bald pate and the ever-

flattering pot belly, I figured they're in their 40s.

Cracking jokes in dialect, laughing, tummy rubbing and

the occasional "Kannina!", they would have put off most, if not,

all those who were within hearing distance.

I was slightly bemused with their antics as one guy was seated

beside another and was touching and stroking his hair. At one

point, his leg was perched atop of his friend's leg.

And of course there was this guy who massaged his friend for

no apparent reason AT ALL.

I wasnt sure whether to be amused or to be disgusted, but I'm

sure they kinda had a helluva time in the close proximity of the

carriage. Thank God my port-of-call is Choa Chu Kang stasiun.

If not, only God knows what might transpire.

Old, cursing Fags!

P.S : I'm sorry Franz! =(

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