Friday, February 03, 2006


For the benefit of the millions of Skinny Fans who are

myopic, astigmatic or plain idiotic, Mr Skinny Pants here

have decided to enlargen the font and let you guys see

much, much better. Yeah, I know Imma good guy.

Here's a rhetoric question:

Do you ever fancy David Beckham in your cheerleading


Of course the answer is a definite na-uh unless his whiny

voice beckons you to fidder, er, differ. Oh wait, I shall

refrain from cursing that Alice-band-wearing, wife's

panties' wearer and sarong connoiseur or I can be hauled

up to court for being a cyber tort.

And Mr Whiny Becks will sue me for millions and millions

of Yusof Ishaks that I do not have .... YET.

Oh well, nuff digressions.

As my GP educator advised, we must be relevant

through and through. I thoroughly agree.

What has a skinny pant wearing, ball touting dude

has anything to do with cheerleading?!

Virtually none. 'Cept of course they need my muscles

and charming good looks. Bear with me, please? =D

It's kinda absurd if I were to join cheerleading and

would certainly congest my schedule and the hours I

spent kickin balls, every one of em' balls. And of

course, there's the less important studies.

Who needs to study if you can get straight As?

Apparently me. Cuz, numero uno, I dont get too many

As, none in fact. And number two nobody, and I mean

NOBODY gets As just like that. Even if youre born

smart, youre born hardworking or a sweeet cheater.

Either way, it takes painstaking effort.

And innovians, please do not make me the butt of your

HAIR-y jokes.

My hair has seen BETTER days.


Rip it off!

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