Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Mes amis avid readers of allfrootsriipe.

Perhaps you've been jolted by the sights of yourstruly

eating japanese, or, looking ravishing.

Worry not, I'm back with a fully-worded entry.

Let's start with what should matter most, school.

Somehow I am lacking a certain enthusiasm and zest in

attending school these few days.

Been late like countless times, not been doing my assignments

and eternally submerged in the pool of lethargy.

What's worrying is that, I cant put my finger to the source, the

root of this evil.

Oh well, perhaps I should ask the school for some aid on this.

Or perhaps not.

Ignore the litter and install that gizmo.

That's IJC Management motto.

Our pride and pleasure.

The electronic signboard.

"162 days to 'A' levels" it flashes by in its monochromatic red


Maybe if people looked up high enough they wont notice the

litter on the floor.

Just maybe, ma'am.

Electronic waste of money I'd say

All that fund raising to get those?

Whatever happened to the brilliant idea of installing

air conditioners in the hall so that students, er, intellectuals

will have a great time pondering over De Broglie's theory or

interpreting Huxley's stanzas, instead of having to engage in

combat with the vehement winds from the electric fans, just

to keep your papers on your table and not on the floor and

then being suspected of cheating.

Whatever happened to that ma'am?

The same thing that happened to DanXathon I proclaim!

DanXa-what? Exactly.

Before we know it, we'll be rejoicing over our certs

having gotten splendid results mirroring our intense

effort over the past year.

God Bless.

I'll talk about M some other time okay guys?

Bon voyeur-age!

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