Sunday, May 28, 2006


So I'm back to enlighten you Net dwellers who have painstakingly

typed out my cool and funky URL.

Call me Madinnie.

I'm your Material Boy.

Come the GSS, or Great Sg Sale I'm as wide-eyed and palms-a-

sweaty like you women.

Yes, bargains, apparels off the racks at prices you have to see to


I'm in need, not want, NEED of new sets of t-shirts, faded SKINNY

jeans, boxers, socks, wrist accesories and of cuz a pair of shoes.

Preferably high cut and converse.

What i WANT is money.

Lots of it.

And similar wide-eyed shopping vultures to escort me to the

realms of fantasy, gorging on the bargained delight and

scavenging on quality items going at very low prices.


Anyway, my darling subjects, my ever-so-dear classmates

decided that we're gonna have a chalet to ease the tension,

soothe the stress and maybe get lucky, just maybe, 'fore

the all important Prelims 1 rears its ever-so-nasty head.

As of now all my plans to study have been shelved and i've

been rotting in this idyllic state of inactivity.

All I can muster is to switch on the CPU and rap ferociously

on the keyboard producing words that only Netizens are

allowed access.

Oh my, such an un-inspired entry.

Maybe next time I shall diss more people.

Meanwhile, enjoy this shit.

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