Friday, May 12, 2006

Shalimar the Clown

My blog, my thoughts, my say, my rules.



Yeah, am sorry for turning my blog into a place to whine,

moan and groan.

BUT, read line 1. =P

So the VP went up the rostrum to address us pertaining "some

issues that is unbecoming of the Innovian society".

Tale is, a member of the public, anonymous I supposed, had sent

an e-mail to our beloved VP to complain about the behaviour of

several students from Innova jc at Woodlands Library.

She claims that those "wretched" Innovians were engulfed in a

symphony of giggles and noise making when in truth, they should

be buried in their notes, observing the code of silence.

And she went on to say, in her e-mail, that her cousin had applied

to Innova Jc, and didn't quite make it. For one reason or another,

claims that it was their luck that her cousin hadn't make it to IJC.

Sour grapes?

Woman in depression?


The list of endless possibilities to why or what made her write that

e-mail is amazing.

Somehow, our school management reprimands us without even a

trace of evidence, just ONE witness report.

Now, that's credibility.

It is also immature on the part of Ms-Quiet-in-theLibrary to

imply that IJC is a school brimming with deliquents and ill-

behaved morons who spent their leisure time monkeying

in the library.

Just because of those few rotten apples, if the case had really

occured and not one of her hallucinations, she makes

sweeping assumptions that brushes her maturity into

question and stoke the flames of our fury, or rather my fury.

To that Miss, sweeping statements are a bane in GP essays

and should never be attempted and be constantly avoided

to prevent haemorrhage to your GP marks.

To the Miss's cousin, wish you were here.

But with cousins like that, who needs enemies?

And to all Innovians alike, oh behave!

God Bless.

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