Thursday, June 22, 2006

Oh My

I havent gone crazy folks.

I just found the time and energy to blog that's all.

So many things have transpired over the course of these

20-odd days in June.

Many, many good memories.

Exuberant smiles.

Sweet pleasantries.

They say time flies when you're having fun.

It sure did, now we're nearing the death of the June

vacation and Preliminary examinations await.

Academically, much is left to be desired.

I'm in J-friggin-2 yet I'm still so goddamn playful

and "busy".

Some j1s whom I personally know have even bought

extra papers as practise.

Talk about drive!

At the moment, you can picture me like a piece of plank

drifting in the Pacific Ocean.

Where the wave moves I follow.

Day and night. In dark or light, I have no power nor

authority over myself.

Gen Y call it going with the flow.

In one word, I term it 'lifeless'.

Am I just gonna rest on my laurels and forever be

a stinking piece of driftwood?

God, have mercy on me, please.

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