Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I am so free I can paint and repaint my toenails every half
hour. But of course my dear friends, I dont do that.
I've got better stuff to do like sourcing for the Britney-KFed
Sex Tape or rehearsing my OkGo moves.
But then again, I still have soooo much time.
Since I've got so much frikkin time, I'm gonna turn this blog
into the Chronicles of Skinny: The Man You Hate to Hate and
Love to Love.
Upon reading you're gonna yawn and yawn and you're gonna
wake up the next morning and complete the cycle all over again.
Suck frikkin wankers!

Anyway, a major tiff erupted in the household as my dad went
on his promise and denied me my boyhood liberties of indulging
in the age old game of football.
Ah so I got fed up of being cooped up in my room sourcing for K
Fed's night of amore so I decided to run away ...
to my aunt's place.
Im a rebel, I know =)
Ah so, I was able to wander about freely and have
good long chats with my aunt while my momma was
away in SGH. She's not sick she's just a labrat for
Pfizer and a rich one too. Foo!

So Tuesday I decided Home Aint Sweet If You Have Too
Much of It. Hence I texted all my close peeps, those
who have the passion for soccer, those who have the
fuckin commitment and those who can be trusted out
for an outin to Queensway and then a friendly kickabt.
Conclusion I came up with today is that Thevane Kumar
What a pisshead fucktard!
But guys, Starbucks; or Starhub as Yamin refers to it was
SWEEET. Do it often and we'll get closer and our coffers get
Life sucks and then you die.
But wait, if you're Muslim and you pray five times a day and
u dont drink nor eat pork, you go to heaven.
But then again life doesnt suck if you've 32 profile views on yer
Friendster in less than 2 days and friends who live on your jokes.
Ah so that's two days in summarised summary to sum up what
I've summate in two days.
Right Teck Whye boy?
heh =)

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